
LABMOB team at the launch of the book “Cidades de Pedestres”, in Rio de Janeiro (September 2017)

The Laboratory of Sustainable Mobility (LABMOB), associated with the Postgraduate Programme in Urbanism (PROURB) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), is a platform that develops innovative research and design solutions focused on active mobility, such as cycling and walking. LABMOB provides inspiring and fruitful collaboration between academia, the private sector, and civil society.

What we do:

  • we have developed leading research focusing on active transport;
  • we produce innovative design solutions for cycling and pedestrian infrastructures;
  • structure and foster a national network of researchers on active transportation;
  • we prepare and empower urban researchers, urban planners, planners, and managers to deal with urban mobility issues

Get to know our team!
